November 9, 2018 Subject:
bread crumb
I sang a little while and then flew on.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
August 21, 2008 Subject:
Yo Shoreline
Aha. This show was one of the first GD bootlegs that I ever owned. It was given to me when I was 10 years old by my school bus driver (Today I'm 26). It was a crispy SBD on a Maxell XLII, with the songs written in beautiful coligraphic black ink. The tape contained the first set, with the Scarlet/Victim/Fire from set II as a filler. Any hoo, classic Grateful Dead concert!!!! 1991 was a very good year, fresh because of Brent's untimely demise. Anyway, everything is pretty kosher here, the first set Dark Star is an amazing treat. Then Scarlet>Victim>Fire is out of this world REALLY. Bruce Hornsby almost always makes the show for me. He shines here in this show. Also suggested from 1991, the March Maryland show with Scarlet>Fire>Stir It Up Jam and 9/10/91 @ Madison Square Garden with Branford Marsalis. Enjoy.....